Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Patriot Paul writes to WFYI regarding Jim Shella & Indiana Week in Review
mail to: statehouserevolt@gmail.com
Yellow Journalism from the Shella Show
Much as been blogged in the aftermath of the Indianapolis 'Revolt at theStatehouse' Rally held on March 25th. As several heads of Taxpayerdelegations from various portions of Indiana gave their troubledexperiences with their local government that doesn't seem to beresponsive to them, Jim Shella, political reporter for channel Wish-TV arrived with microphone for interviews.
The channel 8 film clip interview that played Wednesday evening followed by Friday's airing'Indiana Week in Review' with the same clip and remarks by Shella weresome of the worst yellow broadcast journalism I can remember.
Billed as a politically non partisan speaker event, there werenevertheless tables of information by various groups and politicalparties intent on proselytizing converts to their respective parties, including the Republican Libertarian Caucus, Libertarian Party, and the Campaign for Liberty group. Mr. Shella seized upon this floor area for quick interviews, later edited and aired to show those unflatteringtable representatives' halted and impromptu comments as the meat of his broadcast, rather than the subject matter of multiple speakers who each spoke of grievances with their government. Missing the over arching theme of accountability and transparency in government well documented in advance, Mr. Shella violated fundamental values of objective reporting through focus of what can be only described as majoring in the minor, tantamount to criticizing tribes of Indians while ignoring news of a Boston Tea Party in progress.
Admittedly, there is bias in all of us. We all see through colored glasses. But this exceeded elementary reporting 101 with commentary that demeaned citizens who spoke and who attended.
The basics of who,what, when, where, and why were trashed in favor of discrediting those on the floor who had other agendas. With a broad brush, he and most ofhis panelists piled on and treated the story as a rally that went bad.
Further, the Friday program was saturated in an elite smugness that was suffocating. I'll not watch this tabloid again. WISH-TV and IndianaWeek in Review's backers should be ashamed of being represented this way.
Paul Wheeler
Marion County
Open letter to WFYI regarding Jim Shella and Indiana Week in Review
I attended the Revolt At The State House that Jim Shella discussed on Indiana Week in Review. His comments did not reflect the reality of the event. Shella colored it as a failure to the other pundits on the panel. It was sickening to watch the other pundits, who did not attend the event, to agree with him as if his decree is the reality of what happened. The reality is that Shella spends a lot of time with legislators and lobbyists who color HIS opinion.
We were there to talk about the myriad of ways that legislators and lobbyists work against the common person. And I always thought I could count on Channel 20 to be there as a voice of the common person.
Shella said the taxpayers were unfocused, yet a college newspaper reporter (who took the time to read the media release and interviewed speakers and organizers) was able to understand the event's focus.
See Purdue Calument newspaper: http://www.pucchronicle.com/home/
Unlike the college newpaper journalist, Shella neglected to interview a single speaker or event organizer. I know because I was one of the organizers. Yes, the event covered a lot of topics but that is because there are many taxpayer groups around the state that are being walked over by their local representatives on different issues. The point of the event was to pull all the voices in one room wrapped around the common theme of lack of transparency in government.
Shella was overheard by numerous people calling the taxpayers names such as "nutcase" and "whackjob". This is hardly appropriate behavior for a news professional.
I watch public television often. I like the programming. I was planning to will my Meridian Kessler home to public television upon my death because I don't have children and I want to make sure something good is done with my estate.
As long as Jim Shella is on Channel 20, I refuse to ever give a penny to public television.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Jim Shella continues his taxpayer bullying on Indiana Week in Review
Attorney, former lobbyist, and expert on public funding, Gary Welsh wrote an excellent analysis of Indiana Week in Review which aired tonight. The program airs again on Sunday.
Advance Indiana writes:
Later, host Jim Shella continued his tirade against a Revolt At The Statehouse rally organized by private citizens petitioning their government about a number of grievances, including the continued public subsidies for the billionaire sports team owners and the CIB bailout. "Can a rally fail?" Jim Shella asked. Schwantes, who wasn't even present for the rally because he lives and works in Columbus, Ohio, concluded it lacked focus. He did not hear a single speech, but could repeat what others told him about it. Ketzenberger attacked it for lack of a theme. "It was a nice crowd but not large enough," he added. He was not present for the rally. "A group of thespians looking for an outlet," political hack lobbyist Mike O'Connor said. "It missed the mark." This is the same guy who worked as Chief of Staff to Mayor Bart Peterson, whose administration helped create the whole CIB financial mess. McDaniel observed it had a "common theme." There were people there who favor less government and don't want to pay higher taxes he commented. McDaniel watched the rally from the floor above."We recommend that in addition to continuing to voice your concerns to WISH-TV that you also write letters to WFYI about the programming. Public television is supposed to be for the people's concerns, not a place to promote corporate welfare for billionaires...or is it?
Before you write your letter to WISH TV and WFYI, read the entire analysis by Advance Indiana. It is obvious that Shella is complicit with lawmakers' scheme to steal your wealth, via taxation, for the further enrichment billionaires and that they will stop at nothing to get into the pockets of every person in the state. Afterall, look how easy it was to get Marion and the donut counties to cough it up.
Please snail mail or fax your letters and feel free to post them here too if you like.
1950 N. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202.
Fax: 317-704-8748
WFYI - Public Television
1630 N. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
317- 614-0476
Fax: 317- 633-7418
And to think, because I have no children, I was going to bequeath the proceeds from the sale of my house to WFYI in my will. This changed my mind.
REVOLT NEWS COVERAGE: Compare "hit piece" done by WISH-TV Channel 8's Jim Shella to unbiased coverage around the state
CHANNEL 8's COVERAGE by political reporter Jim Shella
http://www.wishtv.com/dpp/news/politics/Group_host_Revolt_at_the_Statehouse_20090325 .
The original Channel 8 report which aired at noon was scrubbed from the internet by 6pm on Wednesday, March 25th. Notice how there are two date stamps on the Channel 8 coverage? He came back from the event after laughing at us, calling us "whack jobs" all day and headed straight to the editing room to put together that "hit piece" against taxpayers.
Now, compare Shella's report to other unbiased coverage around Indiana:
COURIER PRESS (Evansville)
Yesterday, an email list we saw suggested a boycott of WISH-TV advertisers like statewide grocer to the masses, Marsh Supermarkets who is also a big sponsor of the Indianapolis Pacers. You will recall from listening to several of the rally speakers, that taxpayers have a big problem brewing with a push to make taxpayers bailout the billionaire team owners of the Colts and Pacers.
Shella's television coverage gave no mention of the sports bailout.
WISH TV Jim Shella of Channel 8 News laughs at taxpayers
Click to read the link above to see another explanation about what Jim Shella of WISH-TV Channel 8 news did to the taxpayers at Wednesday's rally.
HFFT covers what is happening behind the scenes with Channel since the hit piece against taxpayers aired on Wednesday 6 o'clock news.
Democrat leaning blog, IPOPA, raises ire against CIB Colts Pacers bailout
I've only got a minute to post right now, but read this over at Indy's Painfully Objective Political Analysis. They are pointing out how everyone is going to get socked for bailing out the Colts and the Pacers.
Thanks to Ned, the State House set up guy!
We met with him a few days before and he was great at helping us to see the best way to set up.
When I needed more tables he quickly got them for me. He never complained and was just happy to help. A lot of people don't know it, but the state house gives people space for free. You get chairs, platforms, sound, microphones and podium set up to your specs! I had no idea until Ogden arranged the event that the equipment was free and there was no charge for the set up.
I also bet Ned doesn't get nearly the thanks he deserves for taking such good care of The People.
Thanks Ned. I could not have done my job without you and you made things really easy for me.
--Melyssa, event co-organizer
Jim Shella of Channel 8 is under fire for hit piece on taxpayers
Channel 8 and Jim Shella under fire for hit piece on taxpayers!
Jim Shella sure must love the taste and feel of lobbyist boot across his tongue, for he's getting a lot of heat for the bootlicking he offered them on Wednesday. Shella ran what is being described as a "hit piece on taxpayers" on the 6pm news and he's not backing down from his claim that his story is fair. He says the report is fair even though he offered no mention of the issues discussed by speakers or interviewed either attorney Paul Ogden or me as the event's only organizers.
Paul Ogden spent a day composing his thoughts and wrote directly to Channel 8 news Anchor Eric Halvorson today. Chris Spangle, former producer of Abdul's morning show and no political or media novice, also spoke out against Shella's unneccessary attack on taxpayers.
Yesterday I telephoned Kevin Finch, Channel 8 news director and the guy ultimately reponsible for everything that goes on the air. He emphatically backed Shella stating that he had no problem with the story and that it was completely fair reporting.
He even went so far as to inform me that the term "fair and balanced" is not a journalistic standard. (It is a term used by FoxNews). He could not tell me what the credo or the standard for Channel 8 is. Evidently they don't have one or know what it is.
Kevin Finch also told me that that the event was organized by The Libertarians. I asked which Libertarians and he could offer me no proof other than it is what they "heard".
Is the reporting of rumor or hearsay a journalistic standard at Channel 8?By the middle to the end of the 10 minute phone call Channel 8's news director was yelling at me. He was both AGGRESSIVE and overly defensive at the same time.
As soon as I got off the phone with him, he called Ruth Holloday because I referenced the fact that she reported Channel 8 employees accepted a junket to an all inclusive boozy getaway at a resort in Cancun from Herb Simon. It was also reported the guests on this trip received jewelry and gifts, even though Herb Simon the owner of the Pacers, says he's broke and needs a $15 million bailout by the taxpayers for his sports franchise. The piece Ruth wrote is called "Pacers at the trough".
Finch denies news employees were on the junket. The proof he offered is that he approves vacation time. Everyone wants the names of the Channel 8 employees that took that junket.
Yesterday afternoon one of the email lists I read began suggesting that Channel 8's advertisers be targeted for a boycott. They will likely pick on Marsh Supermarket since Marsh supports both the Pacers and WISH TV 8. Marsh Supermarkets is featured prominently on the front page of WISH TV's website. I sell advertising and I feel for the account exec who handles the Marsh account if these groups decide to take action and Marsh cancels.
These citizens are on the same email lists that caused Missouri to issue a public apology this week for its state police targeting Constitution defenders as "terrorists".
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Advance Indiana on Revolt
Hint: If you are a forensic accountant and digging for bodies, search the archives of his blog. It's all there.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Media Coverage for The Revolt (pre-event)
Still have not heard from the Indy Star, but we have heard from smaller papers around the state.
We expect full media coverage tomorrow for the Revolt!
If you are planning to come please arrive by 11 am so that you have time to park your car and go through security check.
RSVP for lunch after the REVOLT
Luncheon Cost: $16 per person
Time: 2pm
Santorini Greek Kitchen
1417 E. Prospect St
Indianapolis, IN 46203
mapquest driving directions from the Revolt event
RSVP with Jeanette Sawi, (owner) by phone or email, please
Only 150 reservations available
317-917-1118 fax
Monday, March 23, 2009
MEDIA RELEASE: Please distribute to anyone you know in the media
For Immediate Release Contact: Paul K. Ogden
March 23, 2009
--Citizen Leaders Pay Call to Legislators; Demand Reforms--
Indianapolis – Attorney Paul K. Ogden, 47, today announced finalized plans regarding the taxpayer rally dubbed the “Revolt at the Statehouse” to be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the North Atrium.
The focus of the “Revolt” is the anger the average citizen has with government at all levels which has been captured by big money interests and does not listen to ordinary citizens.
Ogden cited the populist uprising in the country, which is noted on the cover of Newsweek that hits the newsstands today, as one of the reasons for the rally. “You are seeing a populist rage sweeping the country like you have not seen in decades. People are angry as they see their hard-earned money being taken to give out to failing companies, like AIG and others. In Indianapolis, leadership of both the Republican and Democratic Parties is deeply involved in a corporate welfare culture that silences even the most well-meaning party members who dare speak out for the interests of the taxpayers.”
Gary Welsh, author of the blog “Advance Indiana,” has tirelessly reported about the proposed Pacer bailout, the overly generous Colts-Lucas Oil Stadium deal as well as other issues related to the Capital Improvement Board and other local issues. Welsh notes, “The CIB is filled with members who have serious conflicts of interest, not the least of which is the President of the Board, who represents the Simons who own the Pacers. The individuals on the CIB clearly do not have the best interests of the people of Indianapolis in mind when they decide they need to give another $15 million of our tax money to billionaire sports owners.”
Melyssa Donaghy who runs the blog Hoosiers for Fair Taxation noted that people are fed up with the back door deals and lack of transparency in how government operates. “The Revolt will include a call for ethics reform, including more transparency. People need to know what is going on in their government,” Donaghy said. “The conflicts of interest many of these politicians have need to be exposed and ended. We should not have our elected officials using their positions to make themselves and their friends richer at the expense of taxpayers.”
The speakers will include Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians. Titles of some of the speeches include: “Increasing Debt: Mortgaging Our Children’s Future,” “The Colts, Pacers and the Capital Improvement Board,” “Run over by the Speedway Redevelopment Commission,” “Lobbying and Ethics Reform,” “Transparency and Accountability in Government,” “Pay to Play Politics, Indiana Style,” and “Fun and Games in Evansville.” A speaker list is included below.
(Wednesday, March 25, 2009; 11:30 to 1 p.m.)
"Increasing Debt: Mortgaging our Children’s Future"
– Lisa Kelly, former Libertarian Candidate for Lt.Governor
"The Colts, Pacers and the Capital Improvement Board"
– Gary Welsh, Attorney at Law and Publisher of Advance Indiana blog
“Government Grants & Public Corruption”
– Rev. Solomon, Author and Community Activist
"Run Over By the Speedway Redevelopment Commission"
- JoEllen Dotlich, SPEED
"Pay to Play Politics, Indiana Style"
– Mark Small, Attorney at Law and Author
"Transparency and Accountability in Government"
– Diana Vice, Lafayette-area Housewife and political activist; Publisher of Welcome to My Tea Party blog
"Lobbying and Ethics Reform"
– Julia Vaughn, Policy Director of Common Cause/Indiana
Topic TBA
--Jim Premeske, Team Hammond Taxpayers
"Fun and Games in Evansville"
– Frankie Neidhammer, President Vanderburgh County Taxpayers Association
"How to Get Involved & Make a Difference"
– Melyssa Donaghy, political activist and publisher of Hoosiers for Fair Taxation blog
"A Call to Action"
– Paul Ogden, Attorney at Law, and publisher of Ogden on Politics blog.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Revolt volunteers are busy!

Hat tip: Ron & Claudia!
Indiana Honest Money
Indiana Honest Money will be at the REVOLT! Look for their table and be sure to thank Jerry Titus for all his activist work on our behalf!
Melissa of Campaign for Liberty plugs The Revolt! Thanks Melissa
Meet Melissa LIneberry. She will be at the Revolt hosting a table for Campaign For Liberty! Hoosiers For Fair Taxation first met Melissa back in 2007 when we came to Ft. Wayne to help put on the Ft. Wayne Tea Party!
Friday, March 20, 2009
THE PROGRAM: Speakers & Topics

Sean Shepard
publisher LibertyFile.com and Shepard on Politics & Policy
"Increasing Debt: Mortgaging our Children’s Future"
Lafayette-area housewife & publisher of Welcome to My Tea Party
Team Hammond Taxpayers Group
"Fun and Games in Evansville"
President Vanderburgh County Taxpayers
for his service to The People in coordinating this program.
It is most excellent!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"States, Not Washington, D.C., Need Our Attention"
Constitutionalist Chuck Baldwin makes the case why activism directed at our state issues makes more sense than spinning our wheels on federal issues. D.C., he says (and we agree) is a lost cause. The Revolt At The State House is focused only on state issues which is precisely where we have a fighting chance for success. Change begins from our own back yards.
from NewsWithViews.com
It seems that most everyone focuses his or her attention on what is happening in Washington, D.C. People don't seem to get excited about politics until a national election rolls around or unless the President makes some startling announcement. Even well-meaning Christian leaders seem to spend the vast majority of their time dealing with policies that emanate from Washington, D.C. Already, I'm hearing leaders of the so-called Religious Right talk gushingly about who the next Presidential nominee of the Republican Party will be. Who cares? Do you mean to tell me that with all we have to deal with right now, we can't find anything else to talk about? How shallow--and utterly ineffective--can we be?
In the first place, Washington, D.C., is a lost cause. It really is. We have about as much chance of flying to the moon in a glider as we do of seeing any significant change in Washington, D.C. Neither the Republican nor Democrat parties at the national level offer any hope. The federal government is hell-bent on turning the United States into a socialistic global village, and the two major parties are in it up to their necks.
If the principles of freedom and independence have any chance of surviving the next few years, it will be because individual States have the courage to pick up the banner and fight. Therefore, freedom lovers need to focus their energy and attention more on State government and less on national politics.
RSVP now for lunch after the Revolt event -- All are welcome
Buffet lunch is $16 inclusive (includes tip) per person and is located a short distance from the Indiana State House.
Only 150 reservations available
317-917-1118 fax
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
REVOLT's You Tube gets over 1000 hits!
Please help circulate our You Tube by placing it on your social networking pages and linking it to the sites you frequent.
Radio Morning Show Host to discuss REVOLT A THE STATE HOUSE on Thursday @ 8am
Be sure to listen to Abdul's show tomorrow. Abdul is concerned that the Revolt is too broad in its scope and is not centralized on one theme. That's the point. Government corruption is so broad that it does not give us the luxury of focusing on just one point.
The theme of the Revolt is Transparency. With transparency, and the ENFORCEMENT of transparency, many of our problems would disappear. But you know those cockroaches running our government don't like the light of day.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Call to Action for Revolt Supporters
We need everyone who reads this blog to take a minute to ask Glenn Beck to link the Indiana Revolt website and mention our revolt on the air.
Email Glenn and copy his producer, Stu. If 100 of you send the same email, they will notice. Help us get radio publicity! (We can't afford commericials)
SEND TO me@glennbeck.com and stu@glennbeck.com
Dear Glenn Beck,
Did you know that a revolution is coming to the Indiana State House? Indiana's government transparency is nearly the worst in the nation, ranking just above Mississippi and we intend to hold our politicians accountable.
Patriots in Indianapolis listen to you everyday on WXNT AM 1430 in Indianapolis. We would love to hear you publicize our Revolt inside the Indiana State House coming next week on March 25th.
Patty Patriot!
REVOLT UPDATE: 8 Days to the Indiana Revolt!

We track parties from state government hitting the REVOLT website daily and reading every link even though they have known we are coming since we made the reservation with the state house events staff back in February.
What worries these conniving politicians is that REVOLT attendees will hear an earful so ugly and yet so true that they will likely leave far angier than when they arrived.
We have at least 20 times the numbers of volunteers I saw when I coordinated the 2007 protests. No longer are The People clueless about the fraud being perpetuated on us. Everybody gets it now and they are fully up to speed.
There is an army of patriots putting posters in public areas all over central Indiana now. Before the army is finished, thousands of pitchforks will be plastered all over the city.
We are NOT the terrorists! We are not the ones that should be watched! We are on the side of of country's Constitution and we are going to see that America prevails against these enemies that would corrupt our blessed country!
We are priming you for multiple revolts over a long period of time until THE PEOPLE PREVAIL.
We know that this country's fire has ignited and that the People will not stop until we declare victory!
The days of "rallies" were so 2007. Revolt is the theme for 2009.
Be quite sure that God, the power who gave us our rights, is squarely on the side of The People.
Indiana on government transparency - one of nation's worst states
One of the reasons Paul Ogden spear-headed this project was due to the difficulty he has in getting information from Indiana government officials from the public access counselor's office.
The theme of the Revolt is "TRANSPARENCY".
Please take time to jump over to his blog Ogden on Politics and read today's column:
Transparency in State and Local Government: Time for Indiana to Enter the 21st Century
Monday, March 16, 2009
Please keep linking us everywhere. Whoever linked us to the ragingbull.com stock market site really did us a huge favor! THANK YOU! We got most of our links from that site today!
Mayor Englands Top Accomplishments - New Albany's mayor
In all fairness we will list Mayor England's top accomplishments since he took office in 2008:
1. Raise for Mayor England
2. Raise for Deputy Mayor Carl Malysz
3. Raise for City Clerk Marcey Wisman
4. Hired two Deputy Mayors
5. Mayor England:
* Bought himself a NEW city car
* Bought a NEW city car for Deputy Mayor Malysz
* Has taken three personal vacations and trip to China
6. Raise for Mickey Thompson, Street Department
7. Raise for Kelly Welch, Manager of Billing Department
8. Raise for April Dickey, Billing Department
Sorry folks, we have been watching our tax dollars for several months, and still can not come up with even one positive accomplishment.Maybe we will have better luck in the next three years, Nahhh.Looks like three more years of his "status quo". In other words SSDY (same shit just a different year).
Contact Mayor England at: mayor@cityofnewalbany.com let's all tell him what a GREAT job he's doing...spending our tax dollars!
REVOLT website hits tripled today!
With the Cincy Tea Party drawing 4000 to 5000 people last weekend, we're definitely encouraged that this rally will be bigger than past rallies.
In the meantime, you might want to make your post-event luncheon reservation now. With this much web traffic, I think the lunch reservations will fill up quickly!
Menu and reservation instructions are on the right column of this blog.
Repeal of Property Tax is not Rocket Science
Facts about Indiana Property Tax
It is the only tax in Indiana that is not transparent
Property tax taxes a basic human need (shelter) and most citizens feel it is immoral of government to tax a basic physical need.
Your property is used as collateral to secure bonds (State and Municipality spending loans)
Property tax caps will not fix the broken tax assessment and collection system
Property tax caps will not change the fact that property tax is the most expensive tax to collect
Property tax caps will not change the fact that your home will continue to be held to a subjective assessment performed by a government official or government contractor working within a very broken system
Property tax caps mean that farmers, landlords, and businesses will pay a higher property tax than everyone else and will make taxation non-uniform and equal as required by Indiana's constitution!
Property tax caps mean landlords pay a higher property tax and will have to pass their tax on to renters.
Property tax caps mean that farmers who raise our food will pay a higher tax and have to pass the tax on to everyone who eats the food they raise
Property tax caps means that businesses will pay higher tax and have to pass the bill on to every customer who buys their products and may make it harder for Indiana businesses to compete
There are 150 other transparent fees and taxes in Indiana
The property tax burden can be shifted one or more of the other 150 forms of transparent taxation
The property tax system is broken...literally, it doesn't work. Ask the assessors who were made the political scape goats for the state's incompetence.
At least two world class economists wrote plans for property tax repeal that WILL work. See links on Hoosiers For Fair Taxation.
Thousands of Indiana property tax appeals have not been settled
Local muncipalities are forced to borrow shortfalls from the bond bank on still uncollected 2007 tax due to complete broken state of administration of property tax assessment and collection.
Property tax is the most expensive tax to collect.
When property tax is repeal in Indiana, our economic engine will boom and Indiana will attract record numbers of investors.
Volunteers to distribute posters needed

Can you volunteer to distribute posters early this week and we'll assign a small district to cover.
Revolt Speakers to be announced this week
9 Days until Revolt.
Thousands show for Tea Party in Cincinnati
See story here:
More here:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Our Revolt's Internet Angel, Claudia
We need more help! The more Indiana's Revolt is linked, the more likely we will be picked up by national media. With purpose, we do not plan to issue press releases to the media until the weekend before Revolt! In the meantime, we need YOU to continue to carry the torch and create a huge buzz until we officially send our press release to the media.
The activists behind this project have worked together for nearly two solid years. We are informally known as The Justice League. Our tax protests have generated as many as 500 to 1000 well informed taxpayers. We've been in every major newspaper and television news channel in Indiana and on national television and print.
We are confident that we are doing the right things to bring that number again. However, those numbers are no longer as effective. Our legislators don't think we are serious about making them behave.
We need a "loaves and fishes miracle".
In order to control our government and return our country to our Constitutions, our citizenry must understand that the work before us is to make the necessary sacrifices to collectively organize multiple protests with thousands of people.
I'm sorry that it is a huge sacrifice of time and energy. But it is the only way we will save this greatest of experiments in Liberty known as America.
The text below (with our graphic if possible) is what to link everywhere on the net:
A REVOLT Is Coming To The Indiana State House!
March 25th, 2009 at 11:30 amInside The Indiana State House
This non-partisan event is being publicized to all corners of the state by a network of tax and policy activists who led the 2007 Property Tax Protests and The Indiana Tea Party.
Our ranks have grown much larger in two years.
Experts will speak candidly at the event on all subjects of concern to The People, such as Education Spending, Cronyism, Corporate Welfare, Property Tax, and those shameful politicians who put party and corporate lobbyist demands before the needs of their citizen employers.
Be warned. Our experts will shock you with their first hand knowledge of the greed and arrogance of many of our government officials.
The theme of our revolt is "TRANSPARENCY".
Santorini Greek Kitchen to Host Post Revolt Luncheon - RSVP early
Food, Fellowship & Networking
We arranged the lovely buffet described below at one of my favorite locally owned fixtures in the downtown historic district of Fountain Square, Santorini Greek Kitchen. It is hard to decide which is best at Santorini's, the authentic country Greek cuisine or the hospitality lavished upon you from the uber cool staff and owners.
We recommend you walk off your luncheon after the event and visit some of the quaint local businesses in Indy's Historic Cultural District of Fountain Square.
Luncheon Cost: $16 per person
Time: 2pm
Santorini Greek Kitchen
1417 E. Prospect St
Indianapolis, IN 46203
mapquest driving directions from the Revolt event
RSVP with Jeanette Sawi, (owner) by phone or email, please
Only 150 reservations available
317-917-1118 fax
puree of ground chick peas, tahini, and lemon
traditional yogurt cucumber sauce
Baba Ganoush
puree of smoked egglant
Feta Cheese
traditional Greek low fat cheese
Warm Pita
Greek Salad
lamb and beef combined with greek spices and sliced from the spit
Chicken Souvkaki
grilled shish kabob of chicken breast, tomato, and zucchini
Rice Pilaf
Mediterranean Green Beans
Greek Potatoes
cooked with olive oil and lemon
a warm Greek custard with phyllo pastry, honey syrup, and cinnamon
(save room, it just may be the best dessert you ever ate)
Coffee, Tea, & Soft Drinks
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Revolt costs are covered!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Taxpayer Groups: Reserve Your Free Table for the REVOLT
You would need to reserve a table right away as we don't have unlimited space. We ask that groups provide:
1. A Banner with your groups' name/message to stretch across a 6 foot table
2. Well informed staff at your table during the entire 1.5 hour event
3. Literature and/or giveaways for the audience
Be your own press!
This is a great opportunity to type up literature for distribution that details the abuses of politicians in your community that don't seem to get air in your local newspaper.
To reserve a table email: statehouserevolt@gmail.com
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Pay to Play with Taxpayer Dollars in Indiana
Advance Indiana dedicated countless hours to helping Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard's achieve his upset victory over incumbent Bart Peterson. Yesterday Gary Welsh, editor of Advance Indiana, penned a column that connects the dots of who is paying how much to play in Ballard's new playground and what they get in return. Nothing has changed. Wouldn't be so bad, but the political outsider, Ballard, promised sweeping changes. More than a year later, his campaign coffers enriched, he allows the same scenario.
The same scenario plays out where you live too. It's corrupt. And it won't change unless we DO something about it. Be sure you take time off to join the rally on March 25th.
In the meantime write to us about the corruption in YOUR Indiana city and we'll publish it here.
Pay To Play Is The Ballard Way
"Taxpayers are being asked to pay for hundreds of millions of dollars in government spending ranging from huge construction projects to outside personal contracts," GOP mayoral candidate Greg Ballard told voters in 2007. "But there are virtually no rules governing the conduct of business or local government in such dealings," he added.
Candidate Ballard promised a series of ethics reforms to provide greater transparency and to protect the public interest, including: requiring persons who lobby city government to register with the city and report any lobbying expenses they make, including any entertainment or item of value they provide to elected officials and public employees; barring lobbyists or other persons with a financial interest from serving on any commission or board that directly affects or deals with their lobbying or financial interests; establishing a code of conduct for city employees which bars them from soliciting contributions from individual firms which do business with the city.
requiring statement of economic interests filed by public officials to be made publicly available online; and requiring campaign finance reports be made publicly available online.
A year later, many of those promises remain unfulfilled. Read the rest here.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Indianapolis is Broke
Watch this video and understand the same problems are happening in cities across Indiana and America. Insider politics (cronyism) and greed is the cancer killing America and it must be stopped.