Thursday, March 19, 2009

"States, Not Washington, D.C., Need Our Attention"

Constitutionalist Chuck Baldwin makes the case why activism directed at our state issues makes more sense than spinning our wheels on federal issues. D.C., he says (and we agree) is a lost cause. The Revolt At The State House is focused only on state issues which is precisely where we have a fighting chance for success. Change begins from our own back yards.


It seems that most everyone focuses his or her attention on what is happening in Washington, D.C. People don't seem to get excited about politics until a national election rolls around or unless the President makes some startling announcement. Even well-meaning Christian leaders seem to spend the vast majority of their time dealing with policies that emanate from Washington, D.C. Already, I'm hearing leaders of the so-called Religious Right talk gushingly about who the next Presidential nominee of the Republican Party will be. Who cares? Do you mean to tell me that with all we have to deal with right now, we can't find anything else to talk about? How shallow--and utterly ineffective--can we be?

In the first place, Washington, D.C., is a lost cause. It really is. We have about as much chance of flying to the moon in a glider as we do of seeing any significant change in Washington, D.C. Neither the Republican nor Democrat parties at the national level offer any hope. The federal government is hell-bent on turning the United States into a socialistic global village, and the two major parties are in it up to their necks.

If the principles of freedom and independence have any chance of surviving the next few years, it will be because individual States have the courage to pick up the banner and fight. Therefore, freedom lovers need to focus their energy and attention more on State government and less on national politics.

Entire essay

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